How Tax Makes Us Life


"Paying taxes, it's like we owe the country. I object". if you have said this
or agree with that sentence, you need to spend a little of your time reading this article.

Hopefully, after you've read this and understand, you don't mind too much about this kind

of "debt".

Tax is the contribution of society or an agency to the state. "to the state" doesn’t meanwe donate to the state, but the state fully uses it for the benefit of society. You could saythe tax is a "state treasury". Just as the school treasury is used to pay for class needs, taxesare used to finance state expenses.These expenditures are for the development of the country's infrastructure and public services. Theseinterests do not directly affect us. If you see the construction of schools aroundyou that are more appropriate, the existence of connecting bridges between yourregions to facilitate transportation, the preservation of the environment aroundyou, and so on, those are the indirect impacts that we get because of payingtaxes. The development of state infrastructure and publicservices can facilitate people's economic activities.Good infrastructure can increase broader economicactivity. This is because infrastructure canimprove connections between regions and expedite thedistribution of goods and servicesThis will increase labor productivityso that people can improve their welfare. Qualitypeople will have an impact on Indonesia's long-term economic stability.From here, we can conclude that apart from being beneficial to society,taxes are also beneficial to economic stability in Indonesia.

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If we look at the first paragraph, that's only a small part of the benefits ofpaying taxes. We're going to look at some of the tax benefits overall,but we're going to focus on the benefits to society first.

  1. In the education sector

Taxes play an important role, namely as a means of infrastructure in the field of education,

such as the provision of laboratory facilities, and sports facilities in formal education,

as well as the construction of official houses, lecturers, employees, and student dormitories.

Besides that, government programs such as Beasiswa Bidik Misi dan Bantuan Operasional

(BOS) and Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP), are benefits of paying taxes from the education


  1. In the health sector

The real role of taxes can be seen from the use of BPJS

(Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial) for health. BPJS helps

underprivileged people to get free treatment. Besides that, another contribution with

the presence of taxes is the government's commitment to the state budget allocation for the health sector. APBN (Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara) or State Revenue Expenditure Budget is the state revenue and expenditure budget. Taxes are included in state revenue, which is the largest. Quoting from pajakku. “The Tangible Contribution of Taxes to Public Health”, in 2021, the health budget is set at IDR 169.7 trillion, while in 2020 it is only IDR 132.2 trillion. This figure represents a 30% increase in the health sector budget. This increased allocation of funds is distributed to improve the quality and quantity of health services, the provision of National Health Insurance (JKN), as well as promotive preventive health programs.

Education and the health sector play an important role in improving the quality of human resources.

Human resources are implementers and determine the success or failure of economic development.

Through increasing high economic growth, economic stability is the basis for achieving an increase in

people's welfare. Talking about economic stability, economic stability creates low and stable costs for

society. However, if the economy is not stable, it will create high costs.

We’ve talked about the benefit of tax. Now the question is, what things should we pay the tax? Are there any rules about paying the tax? We’ll talk about it in general, based on the types of taxes in Indonesia.

  1. Income tax (PPh)

Income tax is a tax that is imposed on each individual or company based on the amount of

income within one year. Individuals who have paid and meet the minimum taxable standards

are required to pay taxes periodically, an inheritance which is still a unit and has not been

divided among those who are entitled, and permanent form or business entity, is obliged to pay

this tax.

  1. Value-added tax (PPN)

Value-added tax is a government levy imposed on every sale and purchase transaction of goods

or services carried out by individual taxpayers or corporate taxpayers who have become Taxable

Entrepreneurs (PKP). Individual or corporate taxpayers are those who pay, withhold, and collect taxes because they have rights and obligations in implementing tax laws and regulations. In the latest law, the PPN rate is 11 percent. In 2024, the rate will increase to 12 percent. According to the government, the PPN increase policy aims to optimize state revenue while still realizing a fair and legal tax system.

  1. Sales tax on luxury goods (PPnBM)

PPnBM is a tax levied on goods classified as luxuries, such as private vehicles, luxury

residences, airplanes, and others. PPnBM is only charged 1 time at the time of delivery of

goods to the producer.

  1. Duty stamp

A duty stamp is a tax imposed on paper or electronic documents and used as evidence or

information. aims to finance national development towards prosperity, provide fair legal

certainty, adjust to community needs, and align stamp duty provisions with applicable laws

and regulations.

  1. Property tax (PBB)

PBB is a mandatory levy imposed on the ownership of land and buildings because of the

advantages and social economic position of individuals or entities that have rights to them

or benefit from the land and buildings. The rate of PBB is 0.5 percent of the object.

The object itself can be land tax objects such as land, fields, and mines. It can also be

buildings such as malls, swimming pools, and toll roads.



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