
How Tax Makes Us Life

    "Paying taxes, it's like we owe the country. I object". if you have said this or agree with that sentence, you need to spend a little of your time reading this article. Hopefully, after you've read this and understand, you don't mind too much about this kind of "debt". Tax is the contribution of society or an agency to the state. "to the state" doesn’t mean we donate to the state, but the state fully uses it for the benefit of society. You could say the tax is a "state treasury". Just as the school treasury is used to pay for class needs, taxes are used to finance state expenses. These expenditures are for the development of the country's infrastructure and public services. These interests do not directly affect us. If you see the construction of schools around you that are more appropriate, the existence of connecting bridges between your regions to facilitate transportation, the preservation of the environment around you, an...

How Self-awareness Matters For The Simple Things In Your Life

We all have our dark sides. We all have different kinds of moods that can change at any time. Our moods change over time, we can't feel them anytime. Our tone speaks be increase, make your comrade assumes that you're annoyed. You decree a wrong big deal when you're in your bad mood or miserable, and after you become stable again, you know you have fetched guilt. Do you remember, while yourself decide something, and after a moment ago your mind had changed and you wonder why you thought like that? This writing is for you. 1. Recognize Your Self Recognize is not always to know what you want, but also to know what happened with you at that moment. When you feel something that has not usually happened to you, you know what's going on with you. For instance, at noon, you feel like you always wanted to get angry with everyone even when someone just makes a little mistake. Whereas, you know you're not a person like that. Then you get yourself after getting lunch, you becom...

What Must You Do When You Get Stuck During Learning A Subject?

When you learning a subject, frequently we can get stuck during our study process. This happens for many reasons. It could be our brains in the process of digest the material that we wanna understand. Moreover, the problems could be on ourselves, our environments, and other external things that could happen. Sometimes, we don't realize it. Consequently, we become easily give up on learning it. Here are the steps that hope can help when you're in this position. 1. Take time, rest for minutes. Think about what's going wrong.  Why have I stopped? Have I eaten before? Have I had enough sleep last night? Are this explanation is complicated? Do I need more simple elucidation on another platform?  Is my brain getting wrong? Do I need some sleep for a while? Should I learn it two times because its material becomes harder?  Ask everything.  2. Asking some questions from the material you've learned. If there are any exercises from the material, trying to answer those questions...

Prokrastinasi Yang Membunuhmu

Saat quarantine gini, apa sih yang kalian kerjain selama waktu luang? Mungkin kamu bermain game, Belajar, Atau melakukan kegiatan yang kamu senangi. Selama yang kamu lakuin itu positif, that's good.  Oh iya. Kamu pernah ga sih, ga ngelakuin apa- apa tapi, bawaannya capeeekkk aja. Rasanya tuh pengen rebahan terus, padahal dari tadi kerjaan cuman scrolling IG doang , hehe. Dan nyatanya, tugas masih numpuk, mana besok ulangan , nasib-nasib. Nah, kalo kamu pernah kayak gini, berarti ada sesuatu yang salah, entah memang kondisi kita yang lagi kurang sehat, atau mood kita lagi ga baik, atau mungkin juga, energi kita habis buat sesuatu yang kurang penting. Maksudnya, kita kurang tepat buat manfaatin energi yang ada pada diri kita.    "Terus gimana dong, cara manfaatin energi kita bener- bener diwaktu yang tepat? Kita kan gabisa ngontrol energi kita." Nah, sebelum itu. Kita harus tau dulu,  Apa sih kerjaan kita yang mendesak? Apa sih yang harusnya lebih dulu kita kerjain? A...